Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Counting down...

Since I've got a dissertation defense presentation to plan out, I naturally decided to blog. Today marks my one week countdown until the defense, which is next Wednesday at 3:30. Its intimidating and nerve-wracking, but having witnessed the defense of the last guy from our group to graduate makes me feel a little better. His was bad, and he still passed, so I think I'll be fine. Thats my strategy for life in general- stand next to someone doing it worse so you look good. Kidding, Jenny, kidding.

Mini-rant: So am I the only one tired of any tiny political scandal being immediately given some nickname involving the suffix "-gate"? Not even real scandals, but just small things a candidate does that makes him/her look kinda bad are now "Something-gate". Attorney-gate, Plame-gate, nipple-gate, Rather-gate aka memo-gate, Trooper-gate. Enough already! Its just not cool anymore.

Speaking of kids nowadays, I've been the teacher for 6 math classes for about two weeks now, with another 4 weeks to go. I always kind of thought that being a high school teacher would make you feel young- not that thats why I'm teaching now, and not that I feel particularly old, but I just assumed that being back in that environment would remind me of what it felt like to be 16. Man was I wrong. I've felt older in the past month than I ever have. Being around these kids, besides being excellent birth control, just makes me want to be even farther away from them in age than I already am.

And finally, after all this time planning for and looking for a job, the last place on Earth I thought I would end up is ... back in Provo. No, I haven't accepted a job there, yet, nor has a job been offered to me, but a headhunter contacted me representing a company down there that was impressed with my resume and wants to interview me. By this point, 6 months into the fruitless job search, I just might accept if the money is right, even if it is back in the last place I wanted to move back to. Provo. But no fear, Seattle-ites, I also just applied to a job in Renton that looks pretty nice.


The Shark said...

Renton! Yeah! That's where I graduated from high school!

It's actually a pretty ghetto place but, you know what? It's got some great parks where I cut my teeth on ultimate frisbee, and some good restaurants relatively close by.

Let me know if you get the job and, if you end up living there, if you end up in the Benson Hill ward. I am still a legend there.

apyknowzitall said...

(You forgot Monica-gate.)

What a rant. Very impressive.

Julie C said...

I thought I had a comment ... what was it ... can't remember ... brain has been petrified by work ... oh well


Cabeza said...

I'm still pulling for a Webb exodus to the East Coast. I've got some connection at the Office of Naval Research.... c'mon, you know you want to!

Nick said...

Actually, Jared, if the person you know there knows of any open position that is actually doing science, then let me know. We're not 100% opposed to living on the East coast if its a good career move and the money is right. And of course, we've got a bunch of friends there already.

And Shark- I thought you guys are from Kirkland?

The Shark said...

When I was 16 - right before Jared graduated from high school and went on his mission - we moved from Kirkland to Renton. So even though I claim Kirkland as my hometown, I lived in Renton for about three years.

Muriel said...

Good luck with the defense. That's the day that Matt's thesis proposal will go before the Graduate Committee for the 3rd time. Hopefully, third time's the charm.