Monday, August 25, 2008

Regional Salsa Night

The North America Eastern States chapter of Salsa Night hosted a regional Salsa-making event this past week with special guests Jon and Katie Fredrickson of the North America Midwest chapter. These regional leaders were hosted by Jared and Shark Gillins as well as Warren "Patch" Anderson. Also in attendance were Salsa Night neophytes Elizabeth and Timmy Fredrickson.

The Salsa Night was the culmination of the Fredricksons' week-long visit to the Washington, D.C. metro area. Salsa ingredients were procured at local farmers' market "Eastern Market" on Saturday, 16 August, then the Salsa was concocted on Sunday, 17 August at the home of Shark and Jared Gillins.

The Salsa was consumed over a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit. Various phrases were used to describe the salsa, including "delicious," "not too hot," "naturally sweet," and "needs cilantro."

Timmy Fredrickson did not partake of any salsa due to a lack of teeth.


Unknown said...

love it. sounds like lots of fun. wish I could have been there to partake of timmy's portion.

Nick said...

Were any nails grinded (ground?) during the eating of this salsa?

I planted habaneros again this year, after 3 years of no success with them, but this time I've got several plants with lots of peppers on them. I put some in our first batch of salsa, and I had to spit out my first spoonful it was so hot.
Hey, we should have a salsa night for the mountain-west chapter (that includes Nevada and Wyoming- you know who you are). Our garden is putting out 4-8 tomatos per day and we need to use them.

JonF said...

Elizabeth was asleep by the time we took the picture, and we couldn't get Timothy to look at the camera. Oh well.
Nick, we are going to be in the Salt Lake area for my brother's wedding. We hereby invite ourselves over to your house for a Salsa night on the evening of 9/28 or 9/29 (in the latter case, I believe it would be called "Family Home Salsa Night," or FHSN).

Nick said...

9/28 or 9/29 it is then. When you firm up your trip plans let us know so we can invite the other utah people.

Julie C said...

sigh. at least nick & jenny shared some of their tomatos with me, since my garden is drowning. :)

Warren said...

There were no grinding of nails and alas, no Julie Krone questions in Trivial Pursuit.

Julie C said...

Annie who once was a Williams is sitting next to me saying "I think I know those guys" "I know those guys" "I know all of them!" So hi from Annie (& me).

Julie C said...

P.S. How is Unibrow, Inc.?

JennyW said...

I'm jealous. But it's tempered by the fact that Nick has been making homemade salsa from the garden for a while now and it's so good that he told me I can't ever leave him because I'll never find another salsa-man like him and I'm inclined to agree.

Oh, and I'm excited about the UT salsa party. That's what Nick was talking about with our neighbors the other day when he said we were throwing a party in a few weeks and could we borrow their portable fire pit. I was so confused there for a while.

JonF said...

Annie - as in the Annie the Arborist?
How about Monday the 29th? The earlier we start, the better. I am even in favor of skipping dinner and just eating salsa.

Julie C said...

Yes - Annie the arborist! We're now related cuz she married my brother-in-law, and then they moved up to the Seattle area near us.

Nick said...

The 29th is perfect. And we can start at any time provided we are able to use the aforementioned fire pit- it gets dark around 7:15 or so.

The Shark said...

Julie - tell Annie hi for me! She was my 2nd date after my mission. Oh, how awkward those days were... and... still are...

But hey, tell her to go to if she wants to see Unibrow 2!!!