Sunday, May 21, 2006

Finished first year of grad school

I finished my first year of grad school in economics last week. It was definitely a lot more learning than undergrad, and a whole lot less nonsense (the number of stupid questions dropped to zero, statistically speaking). I can’t say I understand the economy, just that I’m confused about it on a higher level than before.

I was on an ultimate city league team this last semester. We got killed in the tournament by a team called “Greenspin.” They were all from the Fed and had a picture of Alan Greenspan laying out for the disk over the Washington Monument. No shame in losing to that. My team had a lot of 30-50 year old type people on it. We had this sub five foot Asian woman on our team, who I almost had a few assists to. If a tall skinny man, or not so tall balding man were on the receiving end, it would have worked, but I wasn’t used to throwing to such a short target.

I bought the official disk for the league. It has a pi r squared written on it, so I wanted one, but it was purple. That almost stopped me from buying that one, but in the spirit of Jared, I bought it anyway. I haven’t named it yet (Beelzebub is still up and running), so if you have any suggestions, let me know.

I know Jared’s girl. I’m not sure why she’s crazy about Jared either, she’s a nice sensible person. She had a pajama party at her house. I wore the cow pajamas, and lent Jared Alaina’s red pajamas that she gave me o so long ago. I like to think it was the thought of Jared in those pjs that brought Velora to him.


Nick said...

That has to be one of the best team names I've heard in a long time. Greenspan. Greenspin. Thats awesome.

JonF said...

Greenspan laying out for a frisbee? I'd like to see a photo of that.
Possible names for your frisbee: El Nino, Jared, Old Ironsides, October 8th. Beelzebub is, of course, an excellent choice.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've never had a frisbee named after me... I would be honored.

I also am a big fan of October 8th. It's like naming a submarine Red October.

Other possibilities include Rail Splitter, Kit (a la Knigh Rider), and Azrael.

JonF said...

What about Anubis?
Jared's suggestion of Azrael (Gargamel's cat) made me think about other villians/sidekicks. Many would be good frisbee names, like Megatron, or Sauron. Maybe most notable is Zartan, you know, the bad guy on GIJoe that turned purple in the sunlight. Though, maybe that one should be reserved for if you ever get a Discraft Chameleon.

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

How about Howard? or Loraine? There was an Andy Griffith episode where Barney was trying to tell Andy all the gossip without appearing to be a gossip. He tells Andy that Howard and Loraine are splitting up. "Why, I never" says Andy. "Oh, sure (satisfied *sniff*) I could see that one coming from a long way." "Well, what went wrong?" "Are you kidding?" Barney asks, then tilts up his hand, in the shape of a bottle as if taking a drink, adding a 'click, click, click' sound). "Sauce!" "Well I'll be!" says Andy. "I didn't know Howard was a drinker!" "Not Howard--Loraine!"

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

Oh, and nice work on grad school, Patch!

Warren said...

Those are some good ideas (I like the Old Ironsides). Right now I'm thinking of "Yar." To people not named Jon or Jared, it's kind of a long story. To make a long story short, Jared one day threw a disc into a sewage waste lake (it never made it out). The name on that frisbee was "Ray," and we pronounced it backwards as if we were dyslexic pirates – hence “Yar.”

Anonymous said...

I can imagine this last comment painting all sorts of pictures and raising all sorts of questions for those who weren't there...

JennyW said...

My vote's for "Yar"--it's an unusual word, and the actual meaning is pretty appropriate for a frisbee ("yar" is an adjective of germanic descent meaning things like "lively," "maneuverable," "agile," and "light." Ok, I just checked Merriam-Webster and the official definition is "characterized by speed and agility." Wouldn't such a name inspire a frisbee to achieve great things?) Not that the other names weren't great as well, I just really liked it that "yar" came into the discussion in such an unusual way. (Plus, there are all the benefits of piratey overtones to the name--pirates who growl "yar ye matey!", and the fact that "yar" is often used to describe ships ...).