Sunday, May 21, 2006

Garden Journal, Week 7

We've had 90 degree weather for two weeks now (at the beginning of May!) so our tomatos are taking off. They've all doubled in size these two weeks, so I hope we'll have a large crop starting in early July. Salsa, here we come!!!

The birds ate most of my watermelon plants, so I planted 8 more. They seem to stop bothering the plants when they get big. I hate birds.

The zucchini is getting big. I planted thrice as many zucchini and squash plants as I did last year, so they should pollinate a little better this time around.

This time in the tomato patch we've got about 35 plants.

The strawberries seem to be doing well, even in the heat, but 4 plants have died already. Do strawberries just not like Utah? Or is it my soil? Erin, help!!!

Lots of hot and sweet peppers, doing very nicely.

Half the tomatillos are getting quite large, while the other half keep getting trimmed down by birds. Though I think even with two plants there should be enought for salsa.

This time with the potatos, I'm hilling up the dirt around the plant as it comes up. More potatos that way.

This is the first time I've planted an appreciable amount of corn, and it looks like its doing great.

The lettuce is getting big. Need to plant more this week so we still have some when the tomatos are ready.

The onions and garlic are getting huge.

And my flower circle out front is doing well. The Blanketflower I planted last year from seed has all come back, and the zinnia and marigold seeds I planted this year are getting larger. It should be very pretty.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that you put on these garden journal posts more for yourself and your own records, but I want you to know that I really enjoy them. There's something about tilling and planting that has a great sense of romantic Americana for me. I keep imagining my own garden. Then I keep imagining finishing the terracing in my sister's backyard. Then I imagine me not being lazy. Then I realize I've spent half of my work day imagining stuff.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the terracing project should start moving forward soon. I've been plodding along, doing a lot of work with hand tools. Lifting sod with a single, flat-bladed shovel and my arms and back is less effective. I've convinced my sister that we need to rent a sod cutter for a day, so we'll probably do that next week. After that, Jenn has hired a guy from our ward to help me in the labor, so I'm anticipating that we can get this done in two or three weeks or so. Then maybe I'll have garden pictures of my own to share.